
Authored by PERSOLKELLY team, PERSOLKELLY, Global

頂尖領袖知道如何激發他人的潛能 banner

因應國際婦女節,PERSOLKELLY 邀請 Amelia Collins 進行一場訪談,探討她在職場中扮演的領導角色,在工作和生活中激勵和定義她「Work and Smile」的因素,以及她對於多元化、包容性和平等(DI&E)的看法。

Amelia 現在擔任 PERSOLKELLY 和 Programmed Staffing 亞太區行銷總監,帶領著行銷團隊。她以熱情聞名於業界,認為在工作中找到意義和目的,對於激發創造力並應對挑戰至關重要。Amelia 總是尋找創新策略解決舊有問題,並以相同方式激勵和鼓勵他人。

Amelia 同時也是一位合格的健身教練,擅長室內飛輪、重訓、芭蕾和TRX等領域。目前她已婚並育有一名兒子和養女。


Q: 當您開始職涯時,是否預見自己今天所擔任的角色?

AC: 事實上,我從未花太多時間去設想未來,也不是那種會去設立宏大目標的人。相反地,我更喜歡專注於當下並做好份內之事,然後設定具有挑戰性但可實踐的目標——我稱之為微觀志向。這讓我有目的性、有意識地努力完成當前所面臨的任務。

Q: 請與我們分享您是如何進入人力招募產業的。

AC: 我的行銷經驗最初促成我以顧問的身分,協助澳洲及紐西蘭團隊建構數位行銷。然而,我一直對人力資源和招募感興趣。因此,當我收到這家大型企業的邀請時,我毫不猶豫地加入了。

Q: 現在您正在領導 PERSOLKELLY 和 Programmed 的行銷團隊,作為女性主管在職場中的角色以及特質,您有什麼想法?

AC: 在我看來,職場中的女性主管應該要與其他的角色一樣平常。事實上,女性每天都在扮演領導角色,作為母親、姐妹、朋友和伴侶,所需要的技能和成功領導者相同。例如傾聽、指導、實用主義、紀律、溝通、能夠看到短期和長期的影響、適應能力、多工處理和設定優先順序等技能。這些通常是我們在職場之外所學習到的,可以對我們在職場上的行為和表現帶來幫助。


Q: 您是如何平衡職涯、家庭(作為妻子和母親)以及熱情的?你認為這之間有平衡的存在嗎?

AC: 我個人認為,真正的工作與生活平衡是不存在的,因為平衡意味著所有事情都必須相等。對我來說,這更像是一種技巧高超的戲法,我必須兼顧家庭和養育的角色、友誼、身心健康、我的熱情、旅行,當然還有我的職業角色。


Q: 您對於職場中多元化、公平性和包容性(DEI)的看法是什麼?

AC: 多元化、平等和包容性對於成功的企業來說至關重要。長久以來,企業、公司和政府忽略了這些差距。當企業文化存在差別待遇時,這些小差距會在公司中形成重大缺陷。如果沒有真正去正視並加快改變的速度,創造多元化、平等和包容性的職場,許多公司將繼續存在盲點,進而導致成就無法實現。

因此,我們應該全力追求一個展現社會多樣性的職場環境 - 不僅僅只有地方,更應該擴及至全球。

Q: 您認為現今女性在職場上所面臨的挑戰是什麼,並且您認為該如何克服?

AC: 在大多數文化中,女性仍被期望成為孩子、長輩或家族的主要照顧者。去認識並支持女性在職場之外所扮演的這些重要領導角色,將有助於提升企業內的文化和員工表現。


Q: 您有什麼建議可以提供給希望在職場上有所發展的女性嗎?

AC: 有一次有人告訴我,永遠不要為自己的野心道歉,因為這表示你在乎。我覺得在微觀或宏觀層面上設定可實現但具有挑戰性的目標很有幫助。一位優秀的領袖會給你開誠佈公的反饋來讓你成長。他們永遠不會阻止你去爭取下一個職位,而不給你明確的方向,無論是在技能、行為還是經驗方面,讓你了解需要採取哪些步驟才能實現目標。

Q: 哪些女性曾對您產生啟發,激發您的創造力、決心、或者其他方面的正面影響?

AC: 我很常欣賞的女性是運動員。我發現她們對自己的專業有著一股執著,並且嚴格遵循紀律來達到成功,這些特質都很令人感到鼓舞。高效的表現和健康的行為,是我一直以來所嘗試遵循的生活方式。


Q: 最後,想請您分享如何將「Work and Smile」融入到工作中,並如何向您的員工和客戶傳達 PERSOLKELLY 的願景?

AC: 「Work and Smile」對我而言,是具有目的和意義的工作。要實現這一點,我們首先需要找到一個我們信仰的行業,然後找到一家符合我們價值觀的公司。要具有微觀志向,善用眼前的機會,這樣您就能夠一直微笑地工作。「Work and Smile」也意味著我需要督促自己成為一名頂尖的領導者,去支持和賦予我的團隊達到自身「Work and Smile」的願景。為了讓這個理念得以實現,我會不斷地溝通、分享和鼓勵其他人也這樣做。

「Work and Smile」需要在每天以重要或微小的方式被實踐。


在 PERSOLKELLY,我們期望能夠認可每位女性在職場上的存在和貢獻。作為一家企業,我們致力於為所有性別提供平等的機會,並幫助女性在市場上找到合適的職位。符合我們「Work and Smile」的願景,我們相信把人放在第一位,創造一個積極的工作文化,能讓他們茁壯成長,成為一名深具影響力的領袖。正如米歇爾·歐巴馬所說:「作為女性,我們所能達成的目標是沒有界限的。」

In conjunction with International Women's Day, PERSOLKELLY spoke with Amelia Collins to talk about her role as a leader in the workplace, what inspires and defines her to "Work and Smile" in work and her personal life, and her views on diversity, inclusion, and equality (DI&E).

Amelia currently leads the Marketing and Branding team at PERSOLKELLY and Programmed Staffing for the APAC region as Regional Director, Head of Marketing. She is known for being passionate about her work. She believes that finding meaning and purpose in your work is crucial to having the energy to take on challenges and be creative. Amelia is always looking for new ways to solve old problems and inspire and motivate others to do the same.

Amelia is also a qualified fitness instructor in indoor cycling, strength training, barre, and TRX, among others. She is married and a mother of one child and a stepmother of one daughter.

Read more about the interview here. We hope her story will inspire women in the workplace in one way or another.

Q: When you started your career, did you envision playing the role you’re in today?

AC: Actually, I have never spent too much time thinking too far into the future, and I am not the kind of person who sets lofty goals. Instead, I like to focus on doing well where I am at the moment, and then set goals that are challenging but achievable - I call that micro-ambition, meaning I work with purpose and intention to achieve in whatever I have in front of me at the moment.

Q: Please tell us how you got a job in the recruitment industry.

AC: My experience in marketing and branding initially brought me to Programmed as a consultant to help the Australian and New Zealand team to build their digital marketing capabilities. That said, I have always been interested in HR and recruitment. So, when I was offered the opportunity to join this large and leading company, I jumped right in.

Amelia delivering her presentation at a recent work event.

Q: Now that you are leading the marketing and branding team at PERSOLKELLY and Programmed, what are your thoughts on the role of a female leader in the workplace and what makes a good leader?

AC: In my opinion, having female leaders in the workplace should be as normal as it is in any other role in life. The truth is, women take on leadership roles every day - as mothers, sisters, friends, and partners - all of which require similar and complementary skills to those needed for successful leadership in the workplace. Skills like listening, coaching, pragmatism, discipline, communication, the ability to see both short and long-term, adaptability, multitasking, and prioritisation. And these are skills we often learn outside the workplace that can contribute to how we behave and perform in the workplace.

With that in mind, no workplace should lack women leaders because the world is made up of them. I believe that a good leader is curious, open-minded, interested, and interesting. Great leaders do not have to be the best at everything; they build trust and know how to bring out the best in others.

Q: How do you balance your career, your personal life (as a wife and mother), and your passion? Do you think there is such a thing as balance?

AC: I personally believe that there is no real or true work-life balance because balance suggests all things are equal. For me, it's more like juggling I juggle a whole range of things - my family and parenting roles, friendships, mental and physical health, my passions, travel, and of course my professional role.

There will be some days, weeks, or even months when my work gets the best of me. And to deal with this, I need to acknowledge, accept, and take a few things out of the juggle when this happens. That then helps create space to fill it back up with the elements that make it all worthwhile. And if I feel things are too overwhelming, I will always prioritise sleep, because without sleep we will never be our best for ourselves or others.

Q: What do you think about the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace?

AC: Diversity, equality, and inclusion are essential to a successful business. For far too long, businesses, corporations, and governments have ignored the gaps. And when there are gaps in corporate culture, those small gaps create big holes in a company. And without a real focus on accelerating change to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces, many companies will continue to operate with blind spots and fail to achieve what is possible.

That's why we should all strive for a workplace that reflects the community - not just our local community, but a global community.

Q: What do you think are the challenges women face in the workplace today, and how do you think they can be overcome?

AC: In most cultures, women are still expected to be the primary caregiver for children, ageing parents, or extended family. Recognising and supporting this important leadership role that women play outside of the workplace will only benefit the culture and performance of these people in a company.

Women often face workplace cultures or individuals within those cultures whose thinking has not evolved to understand and appreciate the importance of DEI. This is a challenge. When I feel challenged by these people or actions, I choose to rise above them or find a way around them.

Q: What advice do you have for women who want to advance their careers?

AC: I was once told to never apologise for being ambitious. Because it means you care. Set achievable but challenging goals - on a micro or macro level. A great leader will give you honest and open feedback so you can grow. They would never discourage you from aiming for the next position without giving you clear feedback on the steps you need to take to get there, whether in terms of skills, behaviours, or experience.

Q: Who are the women that have inspired you?

AC: The women I often admire are athletes. I find their commitment to their craft and the discipline with which they need to succeed is inspiring. High performance combined with healthy behaviours - that's how I try to live.

But the women who have shaped me are those who have given me honest advice in my life so far, and who have allowed me to reflect, grow and achieve.

Q: Lastly, how would you incorporate "Work and Smile" into your work and how would you share PERSOLKELLY's vision with your employees and clients?

AC: "Work and Smile" to me is working with purpose and meaning. To achieve that, we first need to find an industry we believe in and then a company that aligns with our values. Be micro-ambitious, do well with what's in front of you, and you will work and always smile. For me, “Work and Smile” is about being a great leader, so I can support and empower them to create their own purpose of “Work and Smile”. And to bring this to life, I'll keep talking about it, sharing it, and encouraging others to do the same.

"Work and Smile" needs should be lived every day - in moments big and small.

Amelia with part of her team from Australia and Singapore


At PERSOLKELLY, we want to recognise the presence of every woman and her contribution to the workplace. As a company, we are committed to providing equal opportunities for all genders and helping women find well-suited/desired roles in the marketplace. In line with our vision of "Work and Smile", we believe in putting people first and creating a positive workplace culture where they can thrive and grow to be effective leaders. In the words of Michelle Obama, "There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish”.

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